2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Arxiv

Lachin Novruzov 

The Research Institute of Crop Husbandary

Ph. D. candidate

Zohra Mammadzada 

The Research Institute of Crop Husbandary

 Ph. D. student

Maleyka Shirinova 

The Research Institute of Crop Husbandary

The Influence of Spraying and Fertilizer Rate on the Structural Indicators

of Soft Wheat Varieties in the Mountainous Areas of Guba Region


The article mentions different productivity indicators of sowing, fertilizer and without fertilizer. From the results of the research, it is seen that the influence of cultivation factors on the productivity indicators of plants is different and depends on the number of plant stems in a single area, the mass of grain, etc. depends on factors. Changes in fertilizer rates have a significant impact on the productivity of small crop rate variations.

Keywords: fertilizer norms, soft wheat, productivity, Gobustan, Viktoriya

MƏQALƏNİ YÜKLƏ [379.68 Kb] (yüklənib: 16)

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