2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Arxiv

Samadagha Rizvanli

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Bayim Shahpalangova

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Assessment of the Hazard Risk That May Arise During the Transportation 

of Hazardous Chemicals by Vehicle Transport


During our modern era, there are various types and numbers of chemically dangerous objects in the territory of our Republic, and they are constantly in operation. Thus, during the operation of these objects, significant reserves of dangerous chemicals of an emergency nature are used in a certain amount. According to information, thousands of tons of hazardous chemical substances are transported from one area to another in the Republic of Azerbaijan every year. So, the vehicles carrying those types of chemically dangerous substances have to pass through areas inhabited by people. Also, in case of accidents during the transportation, there may be a large number of people in the chemical contamination zone.

As we know, as a result of the spillage of dangerous chemicals, the environment, living beings, people, and animals are damaged in a huge amount. In order to prevent this, a plan of various measures should be implemented. In this article, special parameters were mainly used in the study of the dispersion of dangerous chemicals as a result of an accident and risk assessment, which are used for the main work:

  1. Toxodose of dangerous chemicals according to distance and effect.
  2. The average concentration of dangerous chemical substances entering the human body by inhalation.
  3. Site of accidental spillage of chemical hazardous substances.
  4. Area coefficient of distribution of known types of hazardous chemicals.
  5. Infiltration.

Keywords: hazard chemicals, vehicle, risk assessment, transportation, danger, harm

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