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Sədaqət Sədrəddin qızı Camıyeva
Əkinçilik Elmi-Tədqiqat İnstitutu


Açar sözlər: biologiya fənni, STEAM, tədris modeli, təhsil texnologiyası

STEAM model   in teaching biology
The STEAM educational model is based on the idea of teaching students 5 specific fields of Science ( Teshology) , Enerineering ( Energineering), Art (Art), Mathematics ( Marth) in a joint and integrated way.
The teaching of biology at school is based on regular demonstrations of experience. However, it is difficuit for students with figurative memory to leam abstract, pictureless processes. My observations today give grounds to say that the teaching of Biology with the help of STEAM will become more difficuit in order to solve these problems and achieve the active use of internet resources in the teaching process. Learning biology through STEAM wil play an important role in education and prepare children for future challenges and opportunities/ It will develop the skills of rapid learning that are needed in educational institutions and today.

Key words: biology subject, STEAM, teaching model, education technology

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