2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Arxiv

Aygun Bayramova

Institute of Space Research of Natural Resources NASA 

Doctor of Philosophy in Technical

Drying and Purification of Natural Gas on Modified Clinoptilolite 

Type Zeolite by Adsorption Method


Adsorption properties of sulfurous compounds in natural gases have been studied using clinoptilolite type zeolite catalyst with rich deposits in Azerbaijan. As a result, it was determined that the use of modified clinoptilolite is the most effective based on experimental evidence for the adsorption of H2S, COS and RSH on modified clinoptilolite and NaX zeolite. Based on H2S and COS adsorption heats in modified clinoptilolite, the optimal temperature of regeneration was determined at 250 °C. This is the value of the rate of desorption of sulfur compounds (H2S and COS) from NaX zeolite at 320 °C, determined in industry, in other equal conditions. Thermally modified clinoptilolite is shown to have the best absorption and protective properties.

Keywords: sulfurous compounds, adsorbent, natural zeolites, modification, clinoptilolite, mordenite

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